“The assumption that what currently exists must necessarily exist is the acid that corrodes all visionary thinking“
Murray Bookchin
Our Aims & Methods
The methods we wish to use to achieve our aims centre on agitating at the grassroots level. We want to set up study groups across Britain, starting in London, which will themselves evolve into political groups that seek to contest elections.
Thus, our aim is to use electoral campaigns and public education to spread our message and win genuine power in local communities. As our study groups evolve into political platforms, so too will our neighbourhood forums evolve into popular assemblies. These institutions will then go on to interlink across regions and countries to form the basis for a new society.
This is a long-term project, but with enough willpower we truly believe that the culture will change. Indeed, this is the only path forward if we want to avert global environmental catastrophe. A society premised on greed, competition, and violence is doomed in the long run. That is why a transformative movement is needed.
Local Elections
We aim to register as an electoral party by the end of 2025. We reject the idea of general elections, since that would just allow the state to absorb the forces of change. Real change starts locally. That means ordinary people getting engaged in local politics and standing in elections on a communal platform. It means using local elections as a tool to create direct, community-based democracy.
Our platform is underpinned by Communalist ideas, if you would like to learn more please click here. When the right people are elected, local governments can begin to work for local people. There are councils that have been captured by bipartisan grassroots groups who wish to supplant the two-party, tit-for-tat style of politics which characterises local politics.
Local government can be the basis for true democracy, for empowering people and for taking back control from elites.
Want to learn more?
Attend one of our study circles. We hold weekly study circles to delve into the issues of the day and to discuss them in relation to our own ideas. Our focus on direct democracy, a cooperative economy, and enlightenment values aims to build community support and foster change.